We have parent’s on may 8th my mom puts her hopes in me…^^ my mom . tries to
fill our home with happiness
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Just playing around in the recording studio~~!!!! Hahahaha ^_^
就是在錄音室玩呢。哈哈 ^-^
who is this person sucking up to me? Its hitman bang, the composer of 죽어도못보내 and 잘못했어~ kekeke^^*
在我面前的這個卑躬屈膝的人是誰?是房時赫,我錯了和死也不能放開你的作曲家 keke
BY 拂曉初明 百度
在照片中,趙權戴著墨鏡翹著腳坐在舒適的大沙發上,製作人卑微的拿著 A4 紙看起來快要下跪。這段情境讓網友們不禁撲哧大笑。