少女時代Yuri在最新一集「強心臟」中感謝Big Bang的勝利

她說:「我今年大學入學後,在學校適應得非常良好。Big Bang勝利和我是同系,他幫我很多。」


這集強心臟將在5/25播出。一直很很渴望看到Big bang和少女時代之間的互動,勝利果然履行他的承諾做到了。


SNSD’s Yur
i has thanked Big Bang’s Seungri on a recent episode of Strong Heart.
She said, “I’ve adapted really well into the college life since I enrolled this year. Big Bang’s Seungri is in the same major as me and he helps me a lot with my college life.”

She continued, “Since Seungri is so outgoing, I made new friends through him really easily and I got used to my college life smoothly as well.”

The episode airs on the 25th. I’ve always been dying for some Big Bang-SNSD action so this is nice to hear. Seungri has certainly delivered.

credit: allkpop

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