_xeth更新 ,22日更新
Kyungsun mentioned that she would like to go to 2AM's encore concert ^^ and she left a "message" (post #17475) on the cafe ^^
景善姐说她會去2AM最後一場演唱會 她留下了一個“信息” 在cafe ^^
Gain is doing well; Gain knows that most of the Adam fans moved from
dcmarried to the cafe; BEG's 4th album is getting pushed back...
佳仁現在很好 她也知道很多亞當飯從DC那搬到了這個地方 還有就是BEG的專輯又可能推後了
Kyungsun (BEG's manager) visited the Adanes cafe and set up a chat room where she talked about a few things with some of the cafe members.
景善姐去了ADANES的cafe 然後她建了個聊天室跟一些會員講了些事情
(景善姐說 佳仁大概沒空去。不過她去也可以代表佳仁了)