The 2AM, Han Hyo Joo pairing has been releasing lots of endorsement photos since the beginning of the year. But this one is all the more special since Seulong is topless. To make things better, Han Hyo Joo is snug, right next to him – HOT.

On a side note, these Jamgangee jeans look pretty sweet, even with these hotties taking away all the attention.
by heartfacee on June 4, 2010 @ 3:31 AM (EDT) · 75 comments

在2AM與韓孝珠配對後從年初已發布大量的照片。但是,這一次更特別,因為 瑟雍是裸照。為了讓事情更好,韓孝珠是緊貼著他 - 熱。

在一個側面說明,這些 Jamgangee牛仔褲漂亮可愛,即使這些火辣帶走所有的注意力。



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