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Flo Rida Wishes G-Dragon A Happy Birthday [NEWS]
( http://www.bigbangupdates.com/2010/08/flo-rida-wishes-g-dragon-happy-birthday.html#more#ixzz0wuLnyQMz)
Big Bang’s fashionista leader turned 23 earlier this morning in SouthKorea.
Fans have been making his birthday a trending topic on Twitterand fellow rapper Flo Rida seems to have taken notice.
what fans have been posting on Twitter for hours since it became
the18th of August in Seoul, Korea time. Twitter enthusiast Flo Rida
postedthe following on his personal Twitter account,
Along with wishing G-Dragon a happy birthday, Flo Rida went on
tore-tweet other comments from fans, who showed enthusiasm for
anotherreunion between the two rappers.
Meanwhile, G-Dragon has beenreceiving overseas attention ever since he opened up for Flo Rida’sSouth Korea concert back in May.
翻譯: jaychieh0208@BBTW
今天是Bigbang的時尚潮人隊長G-Dragon的23歲生日, 歌迷們把她的生日變成一個在twitter上的流行話題,而知名饒舌歌手Flo Rida似乎也得知了這個消息.
自南韓時間進入8月18號後,歌迷們在twitter上寫下#HappyGDay的對GD的生日祝福,twitter的重度使用者Flo Rida也跟著在他的twitter上留下這則推文
伴著這則祝GD生日快樂的推文,Flo Rida也轉推了歌迷其他的祝福,看起來他似乎很期待能再和GD見面呢!
同時G-dragon自從五月在Flo Rida的南韓演唱會上擔任開場工作後,受到很多海外的注意喔!
- Aug 18 Wed 2010 21:18
Flo Rida也來祝GD生日快樂!