Tell me goodbye
Letting you go...(here's somebody...)
Letting you go...(here's somebody...)
Yo I got this, yeah
still thinking about this thing alot, you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there's a way)
And it got my head just spinnin' round round round round
(Please tell me there's a way)
Don't wanna take a fall, It's best to break it up
It's gonna be better for you, move on
(Please tell me there's a way)
Uh huh we break it break it, Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up
Girl I swear 君の事を
Girl I swere ki mi no ko to o
i ji byo de mo ka na si ma se na i ya ku so ku
ma mo ru ta me ni wa mo mo ko re si ka e ra bu mi ji wa na i ka ra
Maybe 愛した分だけ傷付けてしまう
Maybe a i si ta bun da ke ki tu tu ke te si ma u
and I've got nothing, nothing to say
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
da ki si me ta te o
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
ha na so
僕を忘れる事で自由になるなら Baby
bo ku o was u re ru ko to de ji yu ni na ru na ra Baby
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
Girl you know 君が笑顔なくしていくほど
Girl you know ki mi ga e ga o na ku si te i ku ho do
bo ku wa ji bun o se me ru yo
慰める言葉も 怒りさえも
na gu sa me ru ko do ba mo i ka ri sa e mo
na ni mo ka mo mi u si na u
Maybe この唇が離れた瞬間に
Maybe ko no ku ji bi ru ga ha na re ta syun kan ni
I'll never find better, better than you
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
da ki si me ta te o
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
ha na so
そばにいる事だけが優しさじゃないと Baby
so ba ni i ru ko to da ke ga ya sa si sa jiya na i to Baby
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
Yo and it's so, so
Sad it just ain't happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to scrapping But I just can't let ya
Shouldn't be less than happy I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve Baby you was a part
Must believe that it hurts that lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
it just takes a bigger part of me
to be let you go I wish that one soul
君の声切なくFade away
ki mi no ko e se tu na ku Fade away
ka ze ni ka ki ki e sa re te i ku Stay
これ以上は I can't take it
ko re i jiyo wa I can't take it
その涙 Don't cry for me
so no na mi da Don't cry for me
君のために I'll never look back again
ki mi no ta me ni I'll never look back again
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
da ki si me ta te o
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
ha na so
そばにいる事だけが優しさじゃないと Baby
so ba ni i ru ko to da ke ga ya sa si sa jiya na i to Baby
Tell me goodbye, Tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye